Nature First Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey Organic is based on an ancient remedy known as 'oxymel' which was consumed by the Ancient Greeks, prescribed during the Renaissance and cherished all the way through the Victorian era. What is this mysterious tonic? Simply put, a blend of apple cider vinegar and honey. It is a tasty and healthy functional food you can use in cooking, or enjoy as a health tonic. The best New Zealand apple cider vinegar is blended with just enough organic honey to take the 'bite' out of the ACV and to provide you with the natural health benefits of honey while keeping the sugar content low. It was Hippocrates (circa 400 B.C.E.) who first started prescribing apple cider vinegar and oxymel for a variety of illnesses, as a general preventive, and for wound care. Nature First ACV with honey is shelf stable with a long shelf life that can be used for a multitude of purposes.